Stephen K. Wegren



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Carr Collins Hall 220





Ph.D., Columbia University

Stephen Wegren is Distinguished University Professor and Professor of Political Science. His research focuses on the study of communist and post-communist political economy in Russia. He is the author or co-author of 18 books and more than 160 articles and book chapters. His most recent books are Food Policy and Food Security in Russia: Putting Food on the Russian Table (2018); Putin's Russia: Past Imperfect, Future Uncertain (2019); Russia’s Food Revolution: The Transformation of the Food System (2020); and Russia’s Role in the Contemporary International Agri-Food Trade System (2021). His most notable fellowships and honors include two grants from the National Council on Eurasian and East European Research; a Social Science Research Council Post-doctoral fellowship, a grant from OXFAM; several grants from IREX; and a two-year grant from the Ford Foundation. He has also received support from the Norwegian Research Council (Oslo) and the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation (Moscow). Wegren served as Director of International and Area Studies at Southern Methodist University during 2006-2021.

His single-authored and edited books include:

  • Land Reform in the Former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe (1998)
  • Agriculture and the State in Soviet and Post-Soviet Russia (1998), which won the Hewett award for best book in political economy from AAASS in 1999
  • Rural Reform in Post-Soviet Russia (2002)
  • The Land Question in Ukraine and Russia (2002)
  • Russian Policy Challenges: Security, Stability, and Development (2003)
  • Building Market Institutions in Post-Communist Agriculture: Land, Credit, and Assistance (2004)
  • Russia’s Food Policies and Globalization (2005)
  • The Moral Economy Reconsidered: Russia’s Search for Agrarian Capitalism (2005)
  • Rural Adaptation in Russia (2005)
  • Land Reform in Russia: Institutional Design and Behavioral Responses (2009)
  • After Putin’s Russia (2010)
  • Return to Putin’s Russia (2013)
  • Rural Inequality In Divided Russia (2014)
  • Putin’s Russia, 6th ed. (2016)
  • Food Policy and Food Security in Russia (2018)
  • Putin’s Russia, 7th ed. (2019)  
  • Russia’s Food Revolution: The Transformation of the Food System (2020)  
  • Russia’s Role in the Contemporary International Agri-Food Trade System (2021)  
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