Faculty and Staff
Department of Teaching & Learning
Image | Name | Title | Contact | Office Location |
Department Contact Information | Teaching & Learning |
214-768-2346 teacher@smu.edu smu.edu/TeacherEd |
6401 Airline Rd Suite 301 Box 750455 Dallas, TX 75205 |
Jill Allor | University Distinguished Professor |
214-768-4435 jallor@smu.edu |
6401 Airline Rd Suite 301 Box 750455 Dallas, 75205 |
Stephanie Al Otaiba | Patsy and Ray Caldwell Centennial Chair in Teaching & Learning and Professor |
214-768-1339 salotaiba@smu.edu |
6401 Airline Rd Suite 301 Dallas, 75205 |
Fl獺vio Azevedo | Associate Professor | fazevedo@smu.edu | 6401 Airline Rd Suite 301 Dallas TX 75205 |
Corey Brady | Associate Professor, Associate Dean for Research and Outreach ad interim |
214-768-6563 corey.brady@smu.edu |
6401 Airline Rd Suite 201N Dallas TX 75205 Box 382 |
Anthony Cuevas | Assistant Dean for Technology and Innovation and Clinical Professor |
214-768-4848 acuevas@smu.edu |
6401 Airline Rd Suite 301 Dallas, 75205 Box 382 |
Karla del Rosal | Director of Graduate Studies, Clinical Assistant Professor | karla@smu.edu | 6401 Airline Rd Suite 301 Dallas, 75205 |
Richard Duschl | Executive Director of the Caruth Institute for Engineering Education, Texas Instrument Distinguished Chair |
214-768-3093 rduschl@smu.edu |
6401 Airline Rd Suite 301 Dallas, 75205 |
Francesca Go | Assistant Dean of Assessment and Accreditation, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs ad interim, Provost Faculty Fellow for Diversity and Inclusion, Clinical Associate Professor |
214-768-7712 fgo@smu.edu |
3101 University Blvd Ste. 372 Dallas, 75205 Box 382 |
Alexis Helfenstein | Program Specialist | ahelfenstein@smu.edu | 6401 Airline Rd Suite 301 Dallas, 75205 |
Johnitha Watkins Johnson | Assistant Department Chair, Clinical Associate Professor |
214-768-3437 johnithaj@smu.edu |
6401 Airline Rd Suite 301 Dallas, 75205 |
Bri'Anna Jones-Harper | Coordinator II |
214-768-2346 bjonesharper@smu.edu |
6401 Airline Rd Suite 301 Dallas, 75205 |
Jana Jones | Adjunct Lecturer and Coordinator for the Learning Therapist Graduate Certificate |
214-768-7323 janaj@smu.edu |
6401 Airline Rd Suite 301 Dallas, 75205 |
Stephanie Knight | Leon Simmons Endowed Deanship and Professor |
214-768-5465 slknight@smu.edu |
3101 University Blvd, Ste.247 Dallas, 75205 Box 382 |
Lin Lin Lipsmeyer | Department Chair and Professor | llipsmeyer@smu.edu | 6401 Airline Rd Suite 301 Dallas, 75205 |
Jill Moore | Senior Program Specialist |
214-768-7797 jillm@smu.edu |
6401 Airline Rd Suite 301 Dallas, 75205 |
Prajakt Pande | Assistant Professor |
214-768-6486 ppande@smu.edu |
6401 Airline Rd. Suite 314 Dallas TX 75205 |
Magdalena Pando | Associate Professor |
214-768-6142 mpando@smu.edu |
6401 Airline Rd Suite 301 Dallas, 75205 |
Anthony Petrosino | Professor |
214-768-4303 apetrosino@smu.edu |
3101 University Blvd, Ste. 258 Dallas, 75205 |
Margaret Pyffer | Research Associate | mpyffer@smu.edu | 6116 N. Central Expressway Suite 1010 Dallas, 75206 |
Amy Richardson | Clinical Associate Professor Director of Educator Preparation and Scholarship of Teaching |
214-768-2214 amyrichardson@smu.edu |
6401 Airline Rd Suite 301 Dallas, 75205 |
Kyle Roberts | Research Associate Professor | kyler@smu.edu | 6401 Airline Rd. Suite 301 Dallas TX 75205 |
Kelsey Schenck | Assistant Professor | keschenck@smu.edu | 6401 Airline Rd Suite 301 Dallas, 75205 |
Quentin Sedlacek | Assistant Professor |
214-768-7787 qsedlacek@smu.edu |
6401 Airline Rd Suite 301 Dallas, 75205 |
Paula Serna | Senior Program Specialist |
214-768-1495 pserna@smu.edu |
6401 Airline Rd Suite 301 Dallas, 75205 |
Candace Walkington | Annette and Harold Simmons Centennial Chair and Professor |
214-768-3072 cwalkington@smu.edu |
6401 Airline Rd Suite 301 Dallas, 75205 |
Paige Ware | Associate Provost and Professor |
214-768-3829 pware@smu.edu |
6425 Boaz Lane Suite 217 Dallas, 75205 Box 221 |
Jeanna Wieselmann | Assistant Professor |
214-768-4824 jwieselmann@smu.edu |
6401 Airline Rd Suite 301 Dallas, 75205 |
Jiun-Yu Wu | Professor | jiunyuwu@smu.edu | 6401 Airline Rd. Suite 201 Dallas TX 75205 |